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by Ra'bin al'Avo

It is generally assumed that the Age of Legends was the age before that in which we are now living, thus the second age (this being the third). This fits with the theory that in every age the world is broken, after or during a battle with the dark one. According to this theory, and what we know of our own age, an age would be approximately 3000 years. I would like to put forward another idea. My theory is that *any* major world-wide event could herald a new age. Perhaps the Age of Legends was not the second age, but the seventh. Then the first age would be between the Breaking and the Trolloc Wars, the second between the Trolloc Wars and the War of the Hundred Years, and the third from then until Tarmon Gaidon. Developing this theory using some things that it can be known *must* happen, I have developed the following map of the Wheel:

FIRST AGE- Between the Breaking and the Trolloc Wars. You already know what happens here.


SECOND AGE- Between Trolloc Wars and the War of the Hundred Years. You know what happens here too.


THIRD AGE- War of the Hundred Years - Tarmon Gaidon. Death of all Forsaken. Rediscovery of lost talents. Uniting of the world. Removal of the taint from saidin?*

TARMON GAIDON- Breaking of the world? Placing of a patch over the dark one's prison.

FOURTH AGE- More use of the One Power, more talents found and rediscovered, past the level in the age of legends.

TARMON GAIDON II-** Breaking of the world. Complete resealing of the dark one's prison. Clearing of the Blight.

FIFTH AGE- Use of the One power. Nothing is necessary here.

WORLD WIDE EMPIRICAL WAR- Some country like Tear takes over the world. Suppresion of use of the one power***. Destruction of all cuendillar, angreal, sa'angreal and ter'angreal****.

SIXTH AGE- Many wolfkin,*** (sniffers, dreamwalkers, and whatever Min is too?) No use of the One Power. People forget that the One Power, and the Dark One exist.

REVOLUTION Channelers rediscover the One Power, they revolt, and create a government run by the ironicly named Aes Sedai (servants of all).

SEVENTH AGE (AGE OF LEGENDS)- Great developments in the One Power. You know as much here as I do.

WAR OF POWER/AGE OF MADNESS People open the dark one's prison. You know as much as I do, here too.

In creating that which you see above you, I tried avoid any detail at all except that which seemed necessary to include all the known information. I may be off my mark incredibly, but I believe I am close.

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