This list gives some details about NPCs involved in the campaign that all party members are aware of. The list will grow and notes on relevant NPCs will be updated as the campaign progresses.

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Azan, a.k.a. Aruj Barbarossa

Moneylender, pirate, prominent underworld figure, and member of Kraken. "Owner" of Aralan and her father. Responsible for the enslavement of Alden's village.

Captain Liviticus

Waterdeep captain of the guard (and sworn worshipper of Tyr) charged with arresting Aralan and Victor for being accomplices to guard kidnapping, and Aralan again for assaulting a guard. Convinced by Alden to investigate Kraken and consider possibility that Aralan and Victor were not entirely willing criminals.


White dragon that attacked the Xaltheon Consortium wizard guild. Party tracked down her lair at the request of the guild and slew her hatchlings, then escaped with some of her hoard. The dragon later destroyed the nearby village of Rassalantar, possibly in retaliation.


Marshal of the Legion Arcanum, the elite guard of the Xaltheon Consortium wizard guild. Human warrior/sorcerer or possibly warrior/warlock.

Lord Piergeiron

Ruler of Waterdeep. Hardened warrior and veteran of many wars who dislikes spellcasters. Still, he is considered a relatively fair and just king.

Magus Agonya

Magus of the Xaltheon Consortium. Advocate of new ways of studying magic. Disapproved of several party members being awarded with access to the guild's forbidden libraries. Gave gifts to Aregon in exchange for his political loyalty.

Magus Majera

Magus of the Xaltheon Consortium. Elven arcane caster who gave a gift to Aralan and asked nothing in return, only that she use it for the common good. Seemed to be studying Aralan's reaction to the gift.

Magus S'zaro

Magus of the Xaltheon Consortium. Looks favorably on the party, advocate of study of the old ways of magic. Gave gift to Victor in exchange for his political loyalty.


Wizard (divination specialist) and member of the Xaltheon Consortium. Because he was not deemed worthy by the guild to access the forbidden "Dragon Library", Mondragon hired the party to help him break into it in order to gain more divination knowledge. In return, he helped the party by divining clues about events that had happened to them.

Nerelas Shademoon

Tiefling assassin and leader of Kraken. Led ambush against party in the Court of the White Bull, then disappeared.


Pathetic Zhentarim who posed as a tax collector and employed thugs in order to extort the village of Lowick, a fief of Waterdeep. Reported to Elzid and sent a cut of his loot back to him. Slain by the party. Thugs were imprisoned in Waterdeep.


Alchemist who cured several party members of the magical disease/curse caused by the Cloud of Juiblex. Was kidnapped by Kraken/Zhentarim who wanted to force him to work for them, since their alchemist Elzid didn't work out. Rescued by the party.

Teldorn Darkhope

Nefarious Zhentarim commander and priest of Bane, god of Strife, Fear, Tyranny and Hatred. Hired Kraken to work for the Zhentarim and to track down/eliminate the party after they stole several magic items from Elzid's house. Behind some sort of trade scheme and a plot to master the technique of creating a Cloud of Juiblex. Last known to have been at the deserted Zhentarim fort in the Ardeep Forest, but no sign of him was found.


Mysterious "blood druid" ally of Teldorn Darkhope. Tracks appeared to lead a tribe of conquered barbarians out of the Ardeep Forest, but then tracks vanished.


Imp familiar of the late wizard/alchemist Elzid. Possibly at large. Elzid was working for the Zhentarim on alchemy projects, most notably the Cloud of Juiblex. Elzid seemed to be mending his evil ways. His house exploded under mysterious circumstances.

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