Greenfield Genealogy

Directions to Grave Site

The Greenfield Family Cemetery is located in Croom, Maryland. You take the Bald Eagle School Road off Highway 382, when the road makes a curve (.7 mile) go right on the Perrie Nelson Road (.8 mile), on the left there was a big house being built when we were there on June 9, 2001. The graves are to the left of where the house was being built. The address of that house is 15201 Nelson Perrie Road, Brandywine, MD 20613. Wally and Louise Garner live across the road. They told us the landowner where the graves were had died. There were 32 heirs, so the land was sold.

Tombstone Information

Here lies the body of Col. Thomas Greenfield late one of his Majesties Honourable Councell of Maryland, who died the 8th of September Anno 1715 in the 67th year of his age.

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