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The Drever Marketing and Business Development Corporation was founded in December, 1999 as Drever Enterprises - Marketing and Business Development.  We were created as a Marketing and Business Development Company whose sole responsibility would be to get the Homeless into homes, Street People off the Street, people on welfare off of Welfare and People who are on AISH into low-cost housing and decent jobs. As a Marketing and Business Development Company we develop Business's that they will work in. Those Business's include Alberta Street Media©. The Newspaper Division will print, publish and distribute a new "Street Paper" called Calgary Street Talk©. The Media aspect of Alberta Street Media will be called Street Media Productions Inc©.  SMPI is a production company who specializes in producing "reality" style Documenteries and TV shows based on the homeless and homelessness.  Street Media Advertising Inc© is our in-house Advertising Business.


Alberta Street Media