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Monthly Grind A Hit

by Dave Lieben

as if and the grindettes

An extremely talented lineup of performers rewarded people for braving marginal road conditions to attend the Monthly Grind Saturday night at the Saxman Tribal House.

It was hosted by Penny Pedersen, who looked stunning in a long black dress. Karen Updike, Chas Staunton and Mary Larsen, also known as "As If and the Grindettes" were first to perform. They performed a couple songs by Mary Chapin Carpenter, among others. Kate and Stan Berntson were next, who included a medley of "star" songs in their set. Next were "Red Hoochie and the Tom Cods" featuring Sher & Bruce Schwartz and Terry O'Hara, who caused spontaneous dancing to break out in the audience.

After everyone enjoyed some desserts, the Stack Family (Tom, Jean, Pat and Christine) performed, including a spirited version of "Rock Around the Clock". Next up was storyteller Kairn McGreggor. After Kairn, the highlight of an excellent show for this writer was the performance by Todd Lesko, David Rubin, Shane Gibbs and Bill O'Connell. The group, consisting of an acoustic guitar, keyboards and two percussionists, had a distinctive sound and interesting songs.

The next Monthly Grind will be March 20.

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