LERTHULE by Ayruline -------------------- This game is very much a typical RPG. It takes place in the aftermath of a war with an uneasy pact between places with unpronouncable names. This is an age old formula for RPGs and so it takes something really special for a gamer to remain interested. Suprisingly Lerthule delivers! The plot is ever expanding, although by the end of the game there are still a lot of unanswered questions. The characters are fairly well developed. There are two main groups of characters and the action switches frequently between the two, much like in Final Fantasy 8. The only problem is we do not have a hero as such to empathise with but it's not that kind of game anyway. There are a lot of tricky puzzles to solve and difficult enemies to tackle and the game itself is very long. My major complaint is at the end of the game nothing is solved. I feel a happy ending is always good in an RPG as it gives the gamer a feeling of acomplishment. We are told only that the action will continue in the next instalment of the Lerthule trilogy and we are left with "Fellowship of the Ring" syndrome, thinking "Is this the end or what?". Frustratingly there is no Lerthule 2! That said the game is a good example of what RPG 95 is capable of and I'd reccomend it to any RPG fan. DAN SEZ- 4/5 Download it from-