Crestfallen Inception (Act2)- by Lun ------------------------------------ The struggle of the lands of Hur is resumed in this excellent game which demonstrates Lun's mastery of RPG Maker 95 perfectly. This time our attention turns to the nation of Elea which is about to come under attack by the viscious and barbaric Grag. A naive but enthusiastic rookie knight named Percellus is charged with escorting the young and hormonal princess of Elea to the sanctuary of Southwall. After a struggle to flee from their attackers the player will then find themselves uncovering a sinister conspiracy at Southwall. This fabulous RPG is equal parts epic fantasy tale and murder mystery with a liberal sprinkling of secrets, hidden areas, branching storylines, mini games and subplots and topped off with the most exciting ending I've ever played in an RPG Maker 95 game. The seeds of greatness that were detected in act1 have blossomed in this sequel and it is obvious that Lun has really come into his own with this game. There is so much to uncover in this game repeat plays are guaranteed. As well as being technically superior to the original the characterisation and plotting are even better than in act 1. This is a game that deserves your attention and Lun deserves to be singled out as one of the great RM 95 users. DAN SEZ- 5/5