Crestfallen Inception (Act1)- by Lun ------------------------------------- This, the first game in the Crestfallen series proves what I've long suspected. It doesn't matter how many custom graphics, fancy bitmaps or sound effects you have. The foundation of a great RM95 game is a good story. And let me tell you the Crestfallen saga is EPIC. In the Land of Hur the great kings or Illuminarchs have reigned peacefully for six hundred years. However when the great Illuminarch Darcius is assasinated discord spreads throughout the land of Hur. The discord becomes chaos as nations remove themselves from the treaty which for so long has enforced peace and before long a series of grisly battles ensue. Like all great epics this first act is essentially the fate of a nation told through a single perspective. The player assumes the role of Midian, an Archayan soldier who at the start of the game sees his best friend Mathias murdered by the Gilean elite Domitian. So begins a truly unique game in which Midian, assuming a range of disguises creates havoc amongst the enemy ranks in order to exact his revenge. On his way he will find out a great deal about the secrets of Hur especially the magical Angetti and the wrathful Hellborn. This game marks a departure from the typical RPG formula of combat, purchasing items and level ups placing a great deal more emphasis on puzzles and i nteraction between characters making it similar to my all time favourite games the Broken Sword series. While the graphics are largely defaults and the game makers make the cardinal sin of having a hero with no specific appearance (as he's often in disguise) the narrative of the plot is so strong these issues hardly matter. This is an original, witty and highly playable game. DAN SEZ- 3.75/5