Since the beginning of our nation In every single generation Our people slandered and accused Tortured because they were Jews Yet though the brutle pain and grief Steadfast they clung to their beliefs They held their heads a little higher As they perished through the fire They cried out Shema Yisrael To live a life of Torah To stand up righteous and strong To voice unquestioning faith in everlasting song To say Shema Yisroel To serve Hashem without fear To dream about the day when all the world will hear When dejected by a sorrow We must look to a new tomorrow And when the darkness turns to dawn Yes another generation is born The message is clear that Hashem is one Its passed from father to their son The children sing their voices soar Emerging stronger than before they cry out Shema Yisroel To live a life of Torah To stand up righteous and strong To voice unquestioning faith in everlasting song To say Shema Yisroel To live those words every day Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad Les paroles peuvent être trouvées sur la toile, dans ce groupe yahoo MyBestChoir-tk :