Give me, God or Divine Father, the power of knowing and living Your Doctrine; allow me, Lord, the Grace of being an example of behavior, apostle of Your Sovereign Will, in order to contribute to the triumph of the Truth which divinizes.
Place, Lord, in the heart of Your Children, the feeling of respect to Your Law, to the Christ Model, who You have Sent, and to the nobel cultivation of the Spiritual Gifts, so that it will not lack to them the consoling communication of the Angels or Messenger Spirits. Put in their hearts the regret of the comitted changes of direction, and the wish to follow the Doctrine of the Truth, Love and Virtue.
Lord, make them understand, once and for all, that making the Truth the Religion is the only way of avoiding sufferings, it is the only way to Flourish the Inner God, the Divine Latent Virtues, in less time.
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