To the Sacred Principle of All we invocate, from the most intimate of our Conscience, in sign of reverence to the Truth, Love and Virtue, with the purpose of cooperating with the Legions of Old Blacks, Indians, Hindies and �Caboclos�, to the services they are called to fulfil in the Doctrinal Order.
To the Christ we appeal, as Planetary Director and Lord of the Seven Scales in which the Terrestrial Humanity is distributed, composed of incarnates and disincarnates, desiring to offer efficient collaboration, of fraternal character, in defense of the Truth and Justice, against those who, contradicting the Sacred Objectives of Life, surrender to the acts contradicting the Law of God.
Conscious of the Divine Justice integrity, we affirm the most faithful and intense observation of the Commandments of the Law, as per the Divine Example of the Exemplar Word, for all the invocative effects. Above any alternative, it will constitute barrier against the Evil, in any sense it may be presented, coming from whencesoever it may come, against whoever it may be, although in defence of the Truth, Good and Fair.
Consequently, let it be granted to the kind Old Blacks to reflect, in their labors, the wise and saint designs of those who, expressing the Divine Guardianship of the Planetary Christ, so determine from the High Spheres of Life.
Let the legions of Indians, simple, spontaneous and valorous, always wonderfully joined to the exuberant nature, act under the benevolent and rigorous direction of the High Mentors of the Planetary Life. Fighting for Order and Good, for progress in the midst of Love, let them have from God the due graces.
To the numerous legions of Hindies, deeply joined to the most remote Civilizations of the Planet, forming therefore in the High Courtship of the Terrestrial Hierarchy, let it be granted by the Planetary Lord due opportunities for them to force, sustain and impose the Supreme Authority. At this cyclical time, in which the Earth transit from one Era to another, may the human Minds receive the effluvium of Purity and Wisdom, in order to feel the Divine Appeals of Christ, in favour of the most loving Father Saint Designs, which are the deifying of all sons.
May the legions of �Caboclos�, modest and kind, so much joined to those pilgrimaging the incarnation, with the purpose of expiations, missions and proofs, envolve, protect and sustain all of them, since they endeavour to the good of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, because, out of this Doctrinal Order, there is no Gospel.
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