Caressing daughter of the Eternal Father, shelter those who pilgrim the life inferior grooves, so that in them may level the desire of Knowledge, Certainty and Kindness, leaving aside the idolatries, the paganisms, the ritualisms and all the inferior forms of spiritual worship.
Tutelar Angel of the legions that succour in the darkness and places of pain, attend to the clamour of those who, repentants, are longing to find again the Path of the Truth that protects.
Sweet Messenger of Love, spread your motherly tenderness upon the afflict hearts, so that they ascend to the heights of the redeemer labor.
Elected Lady, inspire the feeling of Truth, Love and Virtue in the hearts of all those tending to the unwisdoms of the world, so that they do not descend to the places of weeping and grinding of the teeth.
Raise, oh Lady, from the tenebrous abysses, all those who have gone wrong because of the religious fanaticisms.
Intercede, oh Caressing Star, for those who, forgotten of the Law and oblivious of Jesus Christ, dived in the places of darkness and pain.
Oh Tenderness, put a feeling of purity in all feminate hearts, so that they be converted in true guardian angels.
Be the light, oh Mary, of those eyes that cannot see.
Shelter, oh Lady, those who become weak along the ways of life.
Hear, oh Symbol of the Mothers, the voice of those who cannot speak.
Dry the tear, oh Caressing Sister, of those who suffer for lack of mercy.
Ruler of passions, be the guardian angel of those who dread to slip in the alleys of sin.
Consoler of the afflicts, anoint with the Balsam of Love those who have their hearts constricted by anguish.
Guide the paces, oh Sweet Friend, of those who tend to lose courage in face of the tortures of the world.
Deposit, oh Mary, in all hearts, the feeling of equality in front of the laws that rule the Infinit Universe.
Conduct to the portico of the Truth, oh Candidness, whoever may be wandering in the ways of untruth and crime.
Envolve with your bluish mantle, oh Mary, all those who look for the eternal, perfect and immutable truths of God, through the Divine Modelling of Jesus Christ.
Indicate, oh luminous star, the Testament of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, so that all the sons of The Almighty will find, once for all, the open arms of the Divine Friend.
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