We beg You, Father of Infinite Goodness and Justice, the graces of Jesus Christ, though Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of companions. Let they assist us, Lord, consoling those in affliction, curing those who become deserving, comforting those having their proofs and expiations to carry out, enlightening those who desire to know the Truth and assisting to all those who appeal to Your Infinite Love.
Jesus, Divine Bearer of Grace and Truth, extend Your bountiful hands in help of those who recognize You the Faithful and Prudent Steward; make it, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your Saint Spirits, so that the Faith be exalted, the Hope increases, the Kindness be expanded and Love triumphs upon all things.
Bezerra de Menezes, Apotle of Good and Peace, friend of the humbles and ill, move your friendly phalanxes in benefit of those who suffer, physical or spiritual ill as well. Saint Spirits, worthy workers of the Lord, spread the graces and cures over the suffering humanity, so that the creatures become friends of the Peace and Knowledge, of the Harmony and Pardom, sowing throughout the world the Divine Examples of Jesus Christ.
(Who was Bezerra de Menezes? He was the last incarnation of the Apostle Luke, the Medicin Doctor, the one who wrote one of the Gospels and the unmistakable Book of the Apostles Acts.)
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