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odot.gifWar Games
GD Staff
eyeofgod - allows extra level of zoom on lower
           level machines
saladtossed -choose any level(you will have to go to the
             load screen after and do that ctrl h/w thing)
twobyfour -builds units(ex: twobyfour dragoon)
hermes -speeds up building of units
donkeys -anything that shoots a missile(wopr missile
hunter, shoots jeeps instead of missiles)
morningafter -removes fog of war
gimmiegimmie -allows you to build everything, even
              without command center
unclejohn -god mode
chaching -adds 10,000 to cash total every time it is entered
mrmuscle -upgrades player's armor
bigsofty -downgrades enemy armor
coffee -upgrades player's speed
beer -downgrades enemy speed
shaft -upgrade player's firepower
shank -downgrade enemy's firepower

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