0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Joe Ording
To activate these cheats enter them at the fighter selection 
screen, and you have to enter them just like a move in the 
game - quckly and accurately. If you enter the codes 
correctly, you'll hear a nice ka-boom. 

U,D,U,D,U,D,L,R,L (W,S,W,S,W,S,A,D,A on keyboard for player 
1)- Unlimited continues 
U,D,PK+SK (W,D,J+L on keyboard for player 1) - Disco mode 
U+L,U,D,D+R (W+A,W,S,S+D on keyboard for player 1) - Limb 
Highlight Psyclopps and enter PK,PP,SK,PP (J,I,L,I 
 on keyboard for player 1)- Fight as Shrapp 
Highlight Carnigore and enter SK,PP,PK (L,I,J on  
keyboard for player 1)- Fight as Carnigore 

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