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CheatMove to Next Scenario Type GETDOWN while holding down CTRL 
and SHIFT. This will cause all of the cars in the scenario to 
attack you. You will die. So, make sure you load your car with 
things you can afford to lose.After you die, you continue to the 
next scenario, with all the things on you car (except armor and 
chassis) blown up.

Nate Wilson
While in Trip mode hold down CNTRL and SHIFT and type 
HienyHobbit this will give you nuclear missles that kill
ANYTHING in one hit.

To repair your guns hold ctrl and shift while typing repair.
To win level hold ctrl and shift then type win.
To win all weapons hold ctrl and shift while typing guns.

Roderick Quinto
Hold down ctrl+shift, then type `thirdnostril'. This will 
give you a bigger radar map thing.

Duke Collins
Hold CTRL and SHIFT and type wiggleburger the screen 
will be all blury.

If you find yourself falling off a cliff, change the 
resolution by pushing F12 and you'll be back on the ground, 
no damage from the fall.

Ahmed Al-Khaled
Hold down Ctrl+Shift while typing "GETDOWN".
Everyone will attack you, and when they blow you up,
you'll win the level. This will work on the trip
missions only!

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