0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifTheme Hospital
Becky-Lynn Bilstra
To have all items (for clinics, treatments etc.) dial 24328
on the fax machine and then press the green button...click 
out of it and then press Shift+Ctrl+C

James Hogarth
Edit save game file with hex editor:
offset 61A95  type in  FFFFFF for lots-a-money.

Marco Lazzeri
Type these on the fax machine screen then press the big 
green button:

7287         Go to rat shoot level after winning level
24328        Enable the following ingame cheat codes:

  Shift + C    Get $10,000
  Ctrl + C     All research completed
  CTRL + Y     End year
  CTRL + M     End month

Run Theme Hospital from Dos "HOSPITAL -Lxx" where xx is 
the level you want to play. 

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