0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifBards Tale I : Tales of the Unknown
Here's a handy cheat for those of you still playing this 
classic game, yet finding the opposition too tough at low 
levels. When you're wandering around Skara Brae, press "Z" 
and a nice, powerful Stone Elemental will appear in your 
party's special slot. You can hit "Z" repeatedly in order 
to get one with lots of hit points. When it gets hurt, just 
press "Z" again to get a new one. You should be looking for
one with about 30-33 HP. Warning: This cheat does NOT work 
in any of the dungeons, and when you walk into Harkyn's 
Castle, the Elemental will vanish.

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