0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pieru - gives you all units 

Brent Koehler
Heal me:next unit clicked on explodes

Geoffrey Aguirre
Show me the money   _   Adds crystals and gas

man over game=win current game

dotan lahav
noglues - Enemies can't use magic
game over man - Instant loss

operation cwal=quick build
the gathering=gives infinite psi power

Alex Ho
power overwhelming - God mode
staying alive - even when you meet mission objectives,
the game never ends.
there is no cow level - completes the mission
whats mine is mine - gives you lots of extra minerals
breathe deep - gives you lots of extra gas
something for nothing - gives you all possible upgrades
black sheep wall - shows the whole map
modify the phase variance - build any building that you
want without moving up the tech tree
war aint what it used to be - disables fog of war
food for thought - build as many units as you
like without "farms"
opheila - type opheila, press enter, then type the
mission name that you want to go to.
medieval man - gives all possible upgrades to units

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