0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifImperium Galactica
Richard de Jong
In the game press SHIFT then C now you will hear a sound
Now press:
V for Credits

Now the game will do strange things if you continue
Therefore you must save the game,Then exit the game
and then start the game and your saved game
and then you have many credits even if you have 
a rank under commander.

Dan LeDuke
This cheat ONLY WORKS once you are a commander. 
It wont work if you are at a lower rank.
Hold down the shift key and type KAROLY then let go of 
shift and the c button as many times as you want. Each 
time you hit the c key you get 5 of everything even if you 
haven't researched it. 

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