0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Type rocket at the car settings menu and it will give 
you 400pts to work with on your car.

Bill Woodcock
If you type Ken on munn in the main selection menu , 
you'll get to drive the Ken-mobile.

Cynthia A. Sorrels
VALAY=damage control
In the option menu, type VALAY, then change the
difficulty level and damage level.

CRASH=collision control
If you want to play without collisions, all you
have to do is type CRASH during a race!

Cynthia A. Sorrels
Cheat Codes:

-  map     - Show the track map in place of the  
-  map+F9  - Enhanced map, show cars as numbers 
             1 to 8. 
-  retro   - Rear view mirror
-  label   - Show the players name above the car,
             name is even visible if the car isn't. 
-  mirror  - Enables REVERSE button on Track 
             selection, type this on main menu.

Type - DURAL on the settings screen to turn your car
silver with a little added extra umph to your game.

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