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odot.gifCrusader: No Regret
Abdul Hamid
LOOSECANNON16   = Enable Cheats
CTRL-F10        = Enable Immortality
F10             = Get all weapons, max out energy, and get 
                  all items
F               = Display object framework
CTRL-V          = Memory stats, version #, and other misc. 
F7              = Display grid over level
ALT-F7          = Display a different grid over level
CTRL-F7         = Display yet another gred over level

Useful Command Line Parameters
-warp x (where x is a #) = Warp to level x
-skill x        = Change default skill level to x 
                  (useful when using -warp)

Useless Command Line Parameters
-asylum         = Displays message "Enabling ENHANCED mode. (Not!)"
-demo           = Continuously loop intro

To get a refill on ammo just drop the weapon your using 
and pick it up again.

nick bashore
if you hit "h" after turning on cheat mode then you can move 
stuff around like walls doors etc.

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