0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Beven Dai
Hold down Shift and type: 421. This will give you more
pennies to play with. But, be careful! Bad things happen
to those that use this cheat too often!

Greg Bayer
Secret Building

Go to Hell and switch the view to North (up). 
Now go into some corner you aren't using and 
build a square road that surrounds an empty 
7X7 area. 

Switch the time mode to Divine Intervention.

Starting in the northmost corner and working 
your way down to the right, lay out colors in 
the pattern below. 

B = blue, BR = brown, O = orange, G = green, 
P = purple, Y = yellow, and R = red. 

    G  Y  O  BR P  R  B
    Y  O  BR P  R  B  G
    O  BR P  R  B  G  Y
    BR P  R  B  G  Y  O
    P  R  B  G  Y  O  BR
    R  B  G  Y  O  BR P
    B  G  Y  O  BR P  R

Now resume normal time and a hidden building 
should appear. Read the text. It's the secret 
building from the designer. 

Joseph Ou-Yang
Type these in during your game:

$@!      :Gives you 10 million pennies...can only do        
          it 5 times or the Death Star will come in and     
          Attack your heaven or hell.

SAMNMAX  :Type it 3 times (all in CAPS!) for the secret BAD 
          THING ...MAX the hellish BUNNY!

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