0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

John Smith
Type BOBJOB on title screen for unlimited
turbos and super speed.

Ben Bullen
It is not really a cheat but is very useful. At the start 
of a race, if you hold on the accelerator to full as the 
lights start counting down and press the boost button 
exactly as the lights trun green, you get a super turbo 
boost so that you can accelerate away from everyone else 
and get a BIG head start.

code:strings-makes all competitors flat

Flemming Cyborgen
Type in these words in the menu and you'll hear a 
signal telling you the cheat is on. Type in the word 
again to switch off the cheat:

BANARNE - high cars.
SKUNK - see only wheels.
FILMJOLK - ignition on acid.
SURMULE - get all options, and tracks.
SVINPOLE - extreme closeup.
SLASKTRATT - get super cars: vegas,monster,ignition.

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