0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifWar Wind
Before entering the previously entered cheats you must 
type an ! after the enter.

Here's one more.

!Pump an Ahrn-  Full Prestige

Joe Ording
To activate these cheats hit Enter key, then type one of 
these codes: 
GOLDEN BOY               - Gives you 5,000 resource points. 
I AM THE BISHOP OF BATTLE- Ends current scenario.           
THE GREAT PUMPKIN        - Ends current campaign. 
OH COME ALL YE FAITHFUL  - Speeds up the Inn. 
THE SUN ALSO RISES       - Turns off Fog of War. 
ON A MISSION FROM GAWD   - Speeds up production. 

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