0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifTotal Annihilation
ilker tektas
In the option menu write:
+team : and you will get a new team with new units.

+ilose - You lose!
+no metal - takes away metal
+no energy - take away energy
+kill - kills all units (including yours)
+clock - Shows game clock
+dither - Changes the grey line of sight to a dither
+los - Line of sight- type
+ shadow - toggles object shadowing
+no shake - stop screen shacking
+CDSTART - starts cd music
+View #-Lets see the battle from player #'s point of view.
His units, metal, radar, etc...
+Control #-Allows you to switch sides with player #. 
It only works with version 1.00
+SwitchAlt-Uses '#' instead of 'ALT-#' to select groups
+kill-kills all units (including yours)
+dr-I'm not sure

allen arden
+iwin - causes yo to win
+ilose - causes you to lose
+halfshot - all weapons do half the damage
+noshake - stops explosions screen shakes
+view# - lets you see how much metal and energy a player has
+dither - dithering instead of line of sight

allen arden
+cdstart - starts cd music
+nowisee - full map and disables line of sight
+contour# - displays a 3d contour,#1-15

+drdeath skips level

Jack Calhoun
+doubleshot - doubles damage for all weapons.
+ATM - adds 1000 energy and 1000 metal.

+Radar      Shows all enemy on the map.

Peng Yew
+sing   -   Makes the robots sing to you.

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