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odot.gifWarcraft 2
Tony Deng
These are the codes for the shareware version of 
Warcraft 2, all of which are self-explanatory.

Upgrade        -Equivalent to Deck me out
Showmap        -Shows entire map
Cash           -Adds to your resources
Fastbuild      -Makes building and upgrading fast
Allowjumps     -Enables level skip
Orc1-3         -Skip to orc levels
Human1-3       -Skip to human levels
Victory        -Win
Magic          -Unlimited magic, all spells
God            -Invincibility
Oil            -Adds 5000 to your oil
Loss           -Lose

patrick daniele
glittering prizes-gives you 10000 gold 5000 lumber 10000 oil

valdez - adds oil
spycob - adds oil
showpath - view whole map
you pitiful worm - takes you to level's defeat screen

type ucla and see " Go Bruins "

Kyle Robertson
Iron forge - upgrades all weapons

Cory Williamson
Fastdemo - Between game scenes pop up quickly

Minseok Chang
Unite The Clans: Instant victory
title: make your units go faster
Deck me out: all weapons up grade
Every little Thing she does: all the spells

Cory Williamson
nogules - Disables magical traps

there can be only one - instant death

Mike Kereluck
hatchet---lets you get wood in two chops

Andrew Feger
make it so - allows faster building.  About 5 times as fast.

Peter Johnson
netprof:  flashing laser goes up and down screen.
axe or saw:  increases speed of lumbering dramatically.
every little thing she does:  gives you all magic spells.
unite the clans:  instant victory!
spycob, or valdez:  alot of oil.


deck me out - hits harder
it is a good day to die - can't die

it is a good day to die=invisibility
make it so=build faster

Shawn Pham
On Screen:Shows all of the map.

Cory Williamson
allowsync - Surrender in multiplayer

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