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odot.gifDungeon Keeper
Stevie D
Drop the following into your temple at the same time:
1  Bile Demon
1  Dark Mistress
1  Troll
The Gods will be pleased and give you a Horned Reaper

but be careful build a room that it can be locked in.
with Lair,Hatchery or it will fight your own Creatures.
Drop money on it if it becomes angry!!!

In the installation open the "data" folder, now open the 
"creature.txt" you can now edit any of the games value's 
just start a new game to use the new value.

Edgar Coelho Vidal
In DOS, type DATE and enter 20-07-1997. Then type TIME 
and enter, for example, 00h05. Then, enter Dungeon Keeper 
and start a new game. A new secret level has appeared.

first posses a creature, press f11 then the screen should 
flash. Press f12 and a cheat menu should appear. select 
cheat by left-clicking with mouse. To use creature's 
spells press enter on the numberpad and select a spell. 
On main screen during the game, press enter for yet another 
cheat menu. Now you can get unlimited free monsters using 
"place creature mode" . try the rest out and enjoy!

Adam Lewis
 To complete the library project immediately, sacrifice 3
 flies in the temple. 

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