0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Andreas Schindel
To irrigate a tile in one turn, a second active unit is not necessary.
Select the Option to wait for the RETURN key at the 
end of turn 
and you can re-activate the settler and press I etc. at the end 
of turn.

Chase Whitford
Type "god" to become invinsible to any attack.

Nix Pearson
At any time of the games.
Hold down SHIFT and press all the numbers from 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 and 0.
Then click anywhere on the screen to reveal the entire map.

Thomas R. Baekmark
To get your settlers to perform any task faster, you only
need two active units one of these of course a settler. If 
you eg. want to irrigate, you press I for you settler. When
the next unit blinks active, you must activate the settler
with the mouse and repress I. Repeat the circle till the 
tile is irrigated. In this way you can irrigate, mine, etc. 
any tile completely within only one turn.

Thomas R. Baekmark
To randomize the opponents press alt+r
This can make an unpleasent neighbour into a cooperative 
and thereby increase at the possibility of help from him.

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