0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifSim City 2000
Jason Cazes
Win 95 only, Noah-starts a flood
Win 95 only, Moses-stops a flood

Marshall Clark
buddamus = 500,000 dollars and all rewards

Click on the tree icon. Click on building and push 
at the same time. The building will disappear, but the
population is the same. New sims can build over the cleared
land without disturbing the other buildings.

Joe Tomas

IMACHEAT= All rewards and $500,000

al b 11
GILMARTIN gives you a military base.

Josh Pinkelman
Phantom water trick!

Find a piece of land that is 3X3 square. Place one water 
pump in the middle of it and hook it up to electricity but
DO NOT connect it to any pipes. After this "do not" place
any more pumps and "do not" put any zoning around the 
solitary pump. In doing this the pipes will be dry but 
if you click on "windows it will show your city as having 
100% water.

Roderick Quinto
On version 1.0, this is a cheat for 500,000 dollars and
all reward things.
1. Pause the game and make sure you are using the centering
2. Press ctrl=F3.
3. Click on the clockwise blue arrow on the toolbar
4. Click on the red box on the bottom right of the screen.
5. Click on the icon with people on it on the toolbar.
6. Click anywhere on the map with your centering tool
7. Finally, bring up the disasters menu and release 
   the mouse button on the line between 'riots' and 
   'no disasters'.

Thomas Rosser
When connecting power to a seperate island connect line to
buildings then destroy it. The buildings still have power.

Nathan Salomon
Type porn and you will hear a drunk say: 
"Can't get enough of that."

Dean Little
In the windows version, click on the tool bar, then type 
oigevald - a new debug menu will appear
Also in the windows version, type cass to receive 
$250 - this may seem measly unless you're starting off, but 
there is an up (or down) side - if you type it more than 
twice in one month, you will receive a firestorm right 
smack dab in the middle of town.

Joe Ording
Start a new game. Type FUND, take the bond. Type FUND again, 
take out another bond. Then take out a normal bond, and 
repay the other two bonds. You will make 1.5 million every 

Ed Lau
imacheat-gives you lots of money and all 
the rewards. (win95 only)

Robert Seeders
For the windows 95 ver. of Simcity 2000 type priscilla 
for a debug mode. This option will give you ver. 
info, more $,all gifts & inventions, meltdown, 
microwave accident,major flood, fire storm, 
toxic spill, and graph kludge(?).

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