0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifAge Of Empires
Dirk Kleinschmidt
black rider = gives you a new unit

Menno van der Sman
DARK RAIN : Transforms Composite Bowmens into Stealth Bowmens
E=MC2 TROOPER : Photon guy with nukes

Sylvester Rybak
Big Bertha = Heavy catapults are even more deadly 

ICBM = Ballistics get 100 range point

Home Run = Wins the scenario

Jack be nimble : Catapults fire with villagers
Hoyohoy        : Priests get 600 hp and are speed 6
ICBM           : Balista has a range of 100
e=mc2 trooper  : Soldier Nuke

Mike Noris

to destroy all the armies, use the cheat, diediedie.
It will leave you free at all levels to get your goals.

George Sas
Press ENTER and type: 
"victory"- skip the level (not working on the last level)

Brian Chau
resign               resign
reveal map           reveals map
pepperoni pizza      1000 food
coinage              1000 gold
woodstock            1000 wood 
quarry               1000 stone
no fog               no fog 
hari kiri            suicide
medusa               a villiger that is attacking will 
                     turn into a horse archer when killed
                     and will turn into a catapult when it
                     killed again  
photon man           guy with a gun
gaia                 control over animals
flying dutchman      turn juggernauts into flying dutchman
steroids             all upgrades and units

Jesse Smith
F6        Full map toggle
F7        Fog of war toggle
CTRL-Q    Speeds up building
CRTL-G    1000 gold
CRTL-W    1000 wood
CRTL-S    1000 stone
CRTL-F    1000 food
CRTL-T    New menu under wood, food, gold and stone
CRTL-P    Left click to place more rock

When you playing type enter to enable chat box then :
reveal map for reveal map

          -only version 1.0-

Lee Tseng Tze
Hit 'Enter' and type the following:

BIGDADDY-  gives you a cool car with a rocket laucher
KILLX-  X refers to a player's starting position, the 
player is killed.

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