0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifC&C Counterstrike
Terry Stylz
To get super-fast troops, select 1 mine-tank and 5 grunts. Put 
them into a team and then press the 'F' key to put them into 
formation and HEY PRESTO your troops now move as fast as the the 
mine tank.
(This cheat also works with 1 mine tank and 5 submarines, wich 
all travel at the same speed as the mine tank.)

After you beat the ant levels you will be able to build 
queen ants that are just like tesla coils, except they 
only cost $300, and are at the bottom of the building list.

Nikiforos Nikiforou
The Key to Unlocking the Hidden Giant Ant Missions:
Hold down the left Shift Key and left click on the 
round Speaker.

Thomas Galliano
While Loading type in "Funpark" to fight against dinosaurs

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