0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Type SYNFLY in all caps to fly.
Type SYNHEAL in all caps to heal party during adventure.

Ethan Sherr-Ziarko
When using the ring of regeneration keep taking it off and 
putting it on. When you exit inventory your life will be up 
the amount of times you put it back on.(you can bring 
people back to life this way.) You can find the ring of 
regeneration in the BRAEM adventure in the throne room.

When using neckless missles, do not put it out as an icon, 
use it in the inventory, and it will be unlimited.

Gain More Money : Type " SOCIOLOGY " all Large Letters.

Chris Sparks
Press "F3" Type in "SYNAVD" all caps for adventures.
Press "F3" Type in "SYNCASH" all caps for 1000 gold each time. 

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