0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifWolfenstein 3D
steven cooper
in dos go to directory 'wolf1'. 

Then type 'wolf3d -goobers'. 

Then in game hold tab and press any button

Bj�rn Ax
Start a new game then press MIL and you get all 
weapons and health , but you lose all your score.

Sebastien Leclair

Cheats for version 1.0 and below only:

enter the -NEXT parameter at the command line 
to enable cheats (eg "wolf3d -NEXT").. 
Hold down Ctrl + Shift + Enter during 
the game to toggle cheat mode 

Hold down Tab and the following keys for cheats:
N: No clipping mpde (walk through walls)
O: Overhead map

All the normal cheats work as well, of course.

The Wolfenstein 3D Cheat Codes 
At the DOS prompt, type  WOLF3D -GOOBERS  to enable 
debugging mode. While in the game, press SHIFT, ALT,
and BACKSPACE keys simultaneously.
Press TAB and any of the following keys simultaneously:
G = God mode
I = Extra items
X = Extra stuff
S = Slow motion
B = Change border color
V = Asks how many extra VBL's
W = Level warp - 1 through 10 - (10 is the secret level)
T = Window appears with entries from the game
Q = Bombs computer
P = Pause - Without the "Paused" window
C = More entries from the game
O = Shows map of the current level (confusing)

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