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odot.gifTheme Park
Chris Rohl
Type Horza as your nickname and press c you wiil get $50,000.
This can be done repeatedly.

When you design a water ride, a race car track, or a roller 
coaster (big dipper, monorail, etc.), just place a few 
pipes and join them together, then add the entrance - this 
won't cost much, and afterwards you can just pull the ride 
to pieces (except the entrance), and you'll have a HEAPS 
long ride that won't cost you much at all!

mark jones
When you build a side show make the prize $400 
then make the people pay $500, but you must put 
up the probability to about 80%, they are happy 
and you are always making profit even if they win.

Joseph Cantrell
For a megapark, type in "DEMO" as your nickname.
Continue and you should get a megapark with 
almost all of the rides but a few problems for 
you to fix.

Marcus Bergfors
Type HORZA as your nickname and press:
ctrl-z to get all the shops
alt-z to get all the rides
shift-z to get all the trees and toilets etc.

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