0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Joseph Ou-Yang
Hidden Codes
Create a file entitled NOUGAT.LF in the Ascendancy 
directory (with nothing in it). Now start the game 
and the following cheats will be available.
1-7 : Allows you to play as other species.
ALT- E : Lets you steal knowledge from other races.
I : Speed up production (on the planet screen).
O : Gives maximum population (on the planet screen).
T : Allows you to build a colony (on the planet screen).
SHIFT- M : Your population increases by one 
(on the planet screen).
R : Lets you take over occupied colony.
C : Complete your current project (on research screen).
D : Learn everything (on research screen).
ALT-D : Provides co-ordinates for you.
ALT-W : Provides a lot of internal data.
ALT-G : Saves your current screen as a GIF file.
S : Will display all your stars explored.
L : Reveals all star lanes.

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