0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifMega Man X
After you beat all of the masters and got all of the sub.tanks 
go to the armordillo level and  go to the end of the round.Then 
jump.3 times on the last cart try not to fall off and Dr.Cain 
will apear in a tube and says something after that jump into the 
tube and it will give you power then exit the round and go to 
the Sigma level and during the round press down,downright,and 
right then Megaman will say something and a fireball willcome 
out.If you do this on masters you only need to do it once and it 
will die.

Andy Hong
Type in word "XSTUFF" while playing the game to get all 
upgrades and Hadoken(Must be full power to use it; D, DF, F, 
and shoot).

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