0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifWages of War
Sebastien Leclair
Press CapsLock once and type in BLOOD MONEY to enable the
cheats Then you can type in following codes: 
NOUN      : Selected Mercenary gets healed. 
SMOKE     : Selected Mercenary gets 25 Smokegrenades.
OH DARN   : Randomly fires 100 grenades on the area. 
HOUR      : Get an extra hour play time. 
ADJECTIVES: All soldiers get all weapons, ammo and gear, 
            boosts their stats to maximum. 
DEADMAN   : Kills all enemies. 
BILL      : Selected soldier gets all weapons, 
            ammo and gear. 
ELBOW ROOM: Selected soldier gets 999 movement points. 

Niklas Lindkvist
Press CAPSLOCK  then BLOOD MONEY to enable cheat mode
O BOYS = your soldiers will become clowns
VERB = you get an extra clip to all guns on current soldier

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