0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifIndiana Jones & The Infernal Machine
GD Staff
To use cheat type F10 and enter the code
TAKLIT_MARION ON/TAKLIT_MARION OFF - invulnerability on/off
URGON_ELSA - all weapons with 100 ammo each
AZERIM_SOPHIA - 5 of each health item
MAKEMEAPIRATE - animation sequence which turns you into Guybrush 
Threepwood from Monkey Island!
FIXME - type if you got stuck in some areas. Will reposition 
Indy correctly
FRAMERATE - shows frame rate
MEM - shows memory info
VERSION - shows release date
POLYS - show info on polygons
ENDCREDIT - shows ending credits

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