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odot.gifStar Trek: Captain's Chair
GD Staff
Cheat Code:

Command Klingon Bird Of Prey: Activate the leftmost tactical 
station on the Enterprise D. Enter 81598 as a "Spacecraft ID". 

Easter Egg: 

Additional mini-game:
Click on one of the video panels on the station to the left of 
Spock's station. 

Breakout mini-game:
Approach the engineering station on the original Enterprise. One 
of the buttons at this location starts the mini-game. 

Memory I and II mini-games:
Two of the video panels that are next to each other on the 
station to the right of Viewstation Two have memory matching 
games. Match the weapons on Memory I and the ships on Memory II. 

Ping Pong mini-game:
Approach the engineering panel on the original Enterprise. 
Activate on the top left panel, then select the flashing green 

Original Enterprise crew information:
Click on one of the LCARS Access panels at Spock's station to 
display information about the crew of the original 

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