0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifTurok 2: Seeds of Evil
GD Staff
Weapon sighting coordinates 
While at the target range and ready to shoot, press [Alt] + 
[Ctrl] + T. Fire to display targeting coordinates in X-Y format. 
Use the cursor keys to adjust the coordinates until they are set 
to 0-0. The weapon is now sighted in.

Cheat Codes 
While playing a game, enter one of the following codes to 
activate the corresponding cheat function:

RESULT             CHEAT CODE  
Enable boxes    [Note] [Alt] + [Ctrl] + B 
Toggle rain        [Alt] + [Ctrl] + R 
Toggle wind      [Alt] + [Ctrl] + W 
Toggle snow    [Alt] + [Ctrl] + S

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