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odot.gifBaulder's Gate
GD Staff
Extra Gold:
Put a postion on your belt so you can use it quickly. Go to
the main game screen to see it. Then go back to your
inventory replace it with a gem of an kind then go back
to the main game screen you should see the postion. Then
click on the postion go back to your inventory and the gem
should have no number by it then go back to the main game
screen click on the postion again when you go back to the
inventory you should have 65555 or some where around that
number number buy the gem. Then go sell the gem and you
will get lots of money.

O.k You have tried to alter the abilities of your leading 
character but they are save with algorithm. Yeap!
If you start your game know or you don't have gone far enough.. 
you could export your character.
You name the exported character and the file is save under the 
char~1 directory (..or smthg like that).
Now it's easy. Use a hex editor and edit the file. The abilities 
are not algorithmed and then start a new game. You can now 
import the edited Character.

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