0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifUltimate Soccer Manager 2
Richard Brunt
Go to the screen where you sort out coach's wages and 
contracts. Select a coach. Press WAGES. Enter as many 9s
as you can in the box and enter this amount. Now press 
CONTRACT. The coach will now want a contract of about 
-�14000000 a week. Accept this and about �14000000 will be 
paid into your bank account every week.

Ivan Shatski
when players cost from 23,000,000 pounds onwards; replace 
the two first digits of the price with zeros. With this, 
you�ll get them for free.

Simon Brace
Put one of your players on the market for �999,999,999 
and wait for someone to give you an offer for him. It 
may take a long time but it does work every time!

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