0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Not a cheat but if you cast open on locked doors 
(Odd Blades in Daggerfall) the guard will not attack 
you even if you fail. :)

If you really want to increase your Destruction and do not 
have the skills to do it, do this... Make a spell that will 
be 10 or less to cast, go into an inn rent it for a 
suitable amount of time (you better be in the knights of 
the dragon to be able to rent the room for free) heal fully 
go into an empty room without a door and start casting that 
spell until you run out of spell points. Sleep to regain 
s.p. and repeat the step. After at least two times of this 
your destruction skill will go up a point. This takes much 
less time than going into a dungeon and using your high 
casting cost spells there!

1. Go into a shop
2. Loiter until 2300 hours
3. Save game
4. Load game
5. Everything in the store is yours!
6. Next day everything is back!

David Ouellet
 If you have to swim underwater and you keep running out of
 air, here is cheat for you. Save the game just before
 running out of air and then reload the game. You air supply
 will be back to the maximum level. 

Ross O'Donnell
Another good source of money. This one's very practical but 
it also works...........take a maximum loan out of a bank in 
a small town (not in  daggerfall, seeing this will lower 
your reputation in the province). You wont need to pay them 
back as you wont be likey to go there for quests anyway.

Ross O'Donnell
You want a good sorce of money.. he he he. then try this 
one. Buy a wagon and stay at the odd blades in daggerfall 
till it closes. Then collect all the stuff and put it in 
your wagon, go to the shop keeper and sell him back his 

NOTE: you can only do this once every day if you exit the 
odd blades and go back in there will be more stuff to 
collect!!.(this attracts unwanted attention)

you can also save after you sell your stuff to the shop 
keeper then load a game and all new stuff will be back on 
the shelves. but the shop keeper wont be there.

Ross O'Donnell
If you're inclined in the magic arts in Daggerfall 
then you won't miss out in this cheat.
When you make a spell add a ! in front of your spells 
name...... It will let you cast the spell once free 
everday. If you want the spell to cost less then add a 
$ in front of the spell name. (this, I think, will only 
work in the earlier versions)

Orange Juice Jones
To activate cheat mode you will have to add the variable 
CHEATMODE to your z.cfg file, and set it to 1. The cheat 
codes are as follows:

1 - Sets your MaxSpeed to 1200 (6x the normal value).
CTRL-F1 - Activate all maps on the fast travel map. This can 
          be useful if somehow a location is no longer on 
          the map.
CTRL-F4 - Invulnerable mode.
ALT-F11	- If you fall into the void, pressing this will take 
          you back to the previous object you were standing 
          on. This can help you get out of the void when you 
          fall into it.

[ and ] - If you're in a dungeon, these keys will cycle you 
through the various quest locations. Be careful though that 
you don't beam into a location that is occupied by a 
monster. You will be trapped inside the monster. Also, some 
locations are high enough to pop you into the void when you 
beam to it. This can be useful if you fall into the void or 
can't find the quest item you're looking for.

- and = - These keys raise your reputation and your skills.

Ross O'Donnell
Access your character sheet ( the one with all your stats 
and attributes) and press on the stat you want to upgrade, 
then press next to your stat (like when you up a level ) 
and your stats will increase!!!.  this cheat also works 
BUT ONLY IN EARLIER VERSIONS and it takes a little 
practice not a lot.

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