0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifDark Sun 1: Shattered lands
Chris Roberts
To duplicate items in your inventory:
Save your game. Select the item you want to duplicate
and give it to the leader. "Save" the leader by dropping
him. Click the sun symbol to bring up the game menu and
click the disk icon. Click the word restart. Select "Create
Characters." Create your first character, a "dummy," by
just clicking done. Then, add the leader from your previous
party (the one with the item). Start the game. After the
announcer is through talking, go to your inventory and
transfer the item to the dummy. Drop the dummy. Load your
game and drop the person with the item. Add the dummy, and
he has the item, so give that item to someone else. Then
add the character you dropped, and now you have two items
where you had but one.

Andrew Balch
Step 1: Make sure at least one of your spell casters can 
        cast a wall of fire
Step 2: Right before the very last battle of the entire 
        game right click while its loading the battle map, 
        this causes it to pause before the actual fight 
Step 3: Cast any protective or enhancing spells that your 
        caster has on other members in the party 
Step 4: Cast a fire wall in the path or above any enemy 
Step 5: Drop the caster from your party then add him back 
        restoring all of his spell points(Note:if any 
        protective spells are placed on the caster they do 
        not remain after dropping and then adding him back on)
Step 6: Repeat this untill you have an amazing advantige 
        and then fight 
(note: The enemy will cross over the fire taking the damage 
and dieing but so will any NPC's That are on your side, 
also you cannot cast any offensive spells over the walls 
so you have to wait for them to come to you)
Note:This works on both of the last Two major battles.

david maurice
type in "dsun -k911" to run the game. 
Then in the game type:
     t - raise level
     m - restore all magic
alt+f2 - increases attack power
alt+f4 - learn all spells

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