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odot.gifCricket '97
Julian Pinder
To add a little Dynamite to the wickets press pause and 
type combination: 111. Explosions will occur when bowled.

Stuart Parnell
Press spacebar to pause then type saisaisaio to make your
batsmen stronger. Then on the screen after you have type
it will say somebody ate their wheaties press spacebar
when that comes up.

Nathan McMahon
You can play Cricket with limited gravity by pressing the 
space bar to pause the game and then type the following key 
combination: 321.

You can make the batters hit the ball harder. Press the 
space bar to pause the game and then type the numeric key 
combination 131.

Turbo Run cheat  If you're finding that those guys are 
taking their time getting from place to place this cheat 
should pick up the pace a bit. Press the space bar to pause 
the game and then type the key combination 323. Everyone 
will now be running faster. 

And finally, the biggest chuckle of the lot. Hit the space 
bar to pause the game and then type the key strokes: 121. 

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