0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifNeed for Speed 2
Deane Cassai
At the menu type slip to make the track slippery.
While the track is loading hold down the n key to
race at night.

Hollywood=You will get the secret track Monolithic Studios

Fredrik Gustavsson
Type in Main Menu:

vwbug  -volkswagen beetle
vwbug  -volksvagwn fastback
semi    -truck cab
miata  - mazda miata
mercedes - mercedes-benz
volvo   - volvo stationwagon
bmw  - BMW
armytruck - mercedes unimog army truck
snowtruck - mercedes unimog snow truck
vanagon - volkswagen combi van
jeepyj - jeep yj
landcrusier - toyota landkrusier
quattro - audi quattro
commanche - commance pick-up truck
drive29 - monolithic studios bus
drive 31 - citro�n 2cv
drive36 - cart
drive37 - outhouse
drive38 - t-rex
drive39 - wagon
drive40 - sounenir stand 1 
drive41 - sounenir stand 2
drive42 - sounenir stand 3
drive43 - log
drive44 - wooden crate
drine45 - monorail
drive46 - hoverpolice
drive47 - UFO
drive48 - hovering sewage truck
drive49 - snowy wooden box
drive50 - snowy wooden box 2

Marcel D.
Type schoolbus on the select car screen then when you start 
the race you will be a school bus.

Brian Chase
Type REDRACER and this will give you the Ford Indigo, 
an F-1 type race car.

Jimmy Lundquist
drive30 = limousine with pool

Andronikos Bissogiannis
 Type: PIONEER and your car will run much faster aprx. 60%

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