0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

odot.gifCaesar III
Edit the C3_model.txt
and type before the numbers given for each building etc. a minus (-). 
Now you will receive money by building. 

Dan Carlson
Once you have a good income coming in pay yourself a Caesar
salary. Do this only from Jan. to Nov. otherwise your favor rating
will fall. I have done this during good cities and used 
the money 
to build up fast in lean cities. As long as you put your salary back
down to normal in the month of Dec. you may ignore what 
ratings advisor says during the rest of the year.


To get more funds:
Rights click on a "Well" then Alt-K and Alt-C

Taylor White
Money + Well Cheat

1. Right click on a well
2. When the box pops up press Alt + K
3. After that press Alt + C and it give u money.

Easy way to save money.
Go to your caesar III directory, and edit the C3_model.txt
file. You can change aspects such as cost of building,
desirability of building, range of desirability etc...

Ted le fou
In Caesar III right click on a well then:
alt+c: for 1000 DN (limit 5000)
alt+v: victory

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