Daily Living & Life Skills

Emesis Catcher: (AKA "Barf Bags") Carry large zippered bags (unzipped beforehand) with you into the community for children who often vomit without much warning. It's tidier to catch it with the bag than towels or cloth diapers and can be sealed up and disposed of without odor. ~ Amy Roach

Citizens Concerned with Your Parenting: a mother living near me has a son with severe medical and behaviour problems due to a metabolic disorder, ranging from autistic-type behaviours to total and sudden collapse. She carries business cards, printed with his name and diagnosis, and the phone number of a couple of the professionals working with her family. The card is headed "If this child's behaviour, or the way I am dealing with it, concerns you, please contact....... for further information". If there is a crisis, she can just give out a card to two and give all her attention to her son, rather than bystanders. ~ Marion

Visual schedules: (for bedtime, toileting, hand washing routine, morning routines etc.) I put them in sheet protectors & posted or attached on a clipboard; used to reduce anxiety over transitions or remind of all the steps in a routine without verbal prompting (they are also used at school) ~ Anne MacLellan

Visual aid for setting table: I purchased inexpensive placements from dollar store & white "mactack"; traced shape of plates & cutlery to be used as a visual guide to help my son learn to set the table. ~ Anne MacLellan

Wedge under mattress: When using a wedge under a mattress, pin a pair of boy's or men's underwear to the sheet and slip the child in. Prevents the child from sliding down.

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