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They rolled to their feet. Zedd scrambled into a run, pulling her along as she fought him. She tried using magic on him, but he shielded against it.
Not simply occupied by something living, but entirely made of living matter. He heard the thump of two heartbeats from it. Its surface had the unmistakable sheen of skin, or some derivative of same. Lolita cartoons.
The pinnace was decent enough traveling into the eye of the wind, but Borric doubted they would survive long enough to reach land if it started to rain.
I was its envoy to the city, its one human tendril, a root through which it sucked with all its might, trying to feed the apparently bottomless pit it called its memory.
And what is that message? Ah forgive me, Holy Priestess, but I was told that it was for Agachak's ears alone. I am Agachak's ears, she told him, her voice dreadfully quiet. Rasavong.
Even when he had worked in the kitchen, his position as keep boy earned him only meager fare. Twice during dinner, Pug found the magician regarding him intently.
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